Our client’s site offers plenty of great information on the products they manufacture. Photos, dimensions, and other details are readily available, along with where these items can be purchased.

Enter the Exit Link

The spot where the consumer leaves the manufacturer’s site to purchase the item from their preferred retailer or find a distributor who carries it.

After a review of their exit links, the top three were obvious, representing the largest, most well-known retailers for the industry. But the smaller distributors are outselling the pace of their exit link percentage. This might indicate an opportunity ripe for some strategic marketing in those areas, using co-op to generate a stronger partnership for the brand or, a consumer sentiment shift from big-box to small or independent retailer. Either way, this trend is something to watch, and should be used to confirm that the marketing activities are the right ones.

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B2B digital strategiesWhen testing conversions, site traffic, site conversions, and sales dollars are separate but equal and inter-dependent.